aki “あきねこ” 高瀬雰囲気もよく、丁寧でした。 (Translated by Google) The atmosphere was good and they were polite.雰囲気もよく、丁寧でした。
(Translated by Google)
The atmosphere was good and they were polite. -
(Translated by Google)
I've always struggled with eyelash extensions and perms, but in the end I like both! There are various colors, so I can enjoy the slight changes and am satisfied every time! Next time, you can feel free to experiment with the final result by making a few changes♪During the treatment, we had a lot of fun chatting, and the time flew by, so I was able to spend some precious time relaxing♪ -
みかまつ毛パーマをお願いしています。丁寧な施術で思い通りにしてくれるので助かっています。おすすめのサロンです。 (Translated by Google) I'm asking for an eyelash perm. I am very grateful for his careful...まつ毛パーマをお願いしています。丁寧な施術で思い通りにしてくれるので助かっています。おすすめのサロンです。
(Translated by Google)
I'm asking for an eyelash perm. I am very grateful for his careful treatment and his ability to do what I want. This is a recommended salon. -
Mi Mこちらに通いだしてそろそろ3年くらいになるかなと思いますが、変わらずに毎回丁寧に丁寧にしていただけています。 お店もきれいで快適ですし、お店の方全員が優しく雰囲気がとても心地がいいです。 そして年齢...こちらに通いだしてそろそろ3年くらいになるかなと思いますが、変わらずに毎回丁寧に丁寧にしていただけています。
(Translated by Google)
I think it's been about three years since I've been coming here, and I've always been treated with care and respect.
The shop is clean and comfortable, and all the staff are friendly and the atmosphere is very comfortable.
Also, taking into account my wishes that my eyelids are getting heavier due to age, she tries out various methods to find the right fit, so I've always enjoyed the finished product and have become indispensable. I did.
Highly recommended! However, it's so good for me that I feel like keeping it a little secret... -
おのちゃん久しぶりに伺いましたが、今回も文句なしです。紹介したいような、秘密にしていたいような…♡ (Translated by Google) It's been a while since I last visited, but I have no complaints this time either. Som...久しぶりに伺いましたが、今回も文句なしです。紹介したいような、秘密にしていたいような…♡
(Translated by Google)
It's been a while since I last visited, but I have no complaints this time either. Something I want to introduce, something I want to keep a secret...♡ -
sakura今年に入ってからずっとお世話になっていますが、その都度素晴らしいまつ毛にして頂いて、毎回テンション上がって帰ってます! これからもどうぞよろしくお願い致します♡ (Translated by Google) I've been work...今年に入ってからずっとお世話になっていますが、その都度素晴らしいまつ毛にして頂いて、毎回テンション上がって帰ってます!
(Translated by Google)
I've been working with her since the beginning of this year, and each time she's given me amazing eyelashes, I'm excited every time I go home!
Thank you for your continued support♡ -
(Translated by Google)
I am always politely informed about the condition of my eyelashes, and then I can discuss the menu for false eyelash extensions, so I can feel confident in ordering them every time! Also, even when I can't decide what kind of menu I want, I can feel free to come to the store because I can get comments. -
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